More Than 20,000 Refugees/Newcomers Call the Greater Cleveland Area Home.

Since 2010, Neighborhood Family Practice (NFP) has provided critical health screenings and ongoing primary care to meet the needs of this community. Today, NFP conducts health screenings for over 95% of new arrivals in Cuyahoga County and is one of five refugee/newcomer health screening sites in Ohio.

Our Role in Refugee/Newcomer Health

NFP is the primary health care provider for the three refugee resettlement agencies in greater Cleveland. Our Ridge Community Health Center hosts screenings for newly arrived refugees/newcomers, which include:

  • Health history review
  • Physical examination
  • Blood work
  • Vaccinations
  • Vision and hearing screenings
  • Mental health assessments

These screenings are conducted by a dedicated team led by a clinic coordinator and supported by medical providers, a nurse coordinator, medical assistants, and patient advocates. Follow-up appointments with NFP’s medical and behavioral health teams are available as needed.

Comprehensive Care Coordination

Refugees often require more extensive care coordination than other patients. NFP:

  • Refers patients to specialists and coordinates transportation to appointments.
  • Provides Arabic- and Nepali-speaking staff, live interpreters, and phone interpreting services to ensure communication in the patient’s native language.

Impact of Refugee Health Services

Over the past six years, NFP has provided health screenings to more than 4,000 refugees from 18+ countries across three continents. Key outcomes include:

  • 85% of refugees continue to use NFP as their primary care provider, accounting for nearly 20% of NFP’s patient population.
  • 100% of surveyed refugees would recommend their NFP doctor.
  • 81% of refugees reported improved health since receiving care at NFP.

Supporting Refugees Beyond Health Care

Recognizing the barriers refugees face—such as language, employment, and navigating U.S. systems—NFP partners with the Refugee Services Collaborative of Greater Cleveland to enhance support and coordination for the growing refugee population in Northeast Ohio.

Additional Services:
NFP also offers I-693 Civil Surgeon Exam Services for refugees and immigrants completing medical examinations required for U.S. residency applications.

NFP remains committed to ensuring every refugee/newcomer feels welcomed, supported, and cared for in their new home.

I-693 Civil Surgeon Exam Services

Individuals applying for immigration status change are required to submit an I-693 Medical Examination completed by a licensed civil surgeon.  Neighborhood Family Practice’s Dr. Erick Kauffman has been designated a civil surgeon by United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and offers I-693 completion at our Ridge Road office.

Certain blood tests and vaccinations are required by USCIS, including flu shots in flu season.  Please reference Because of the complexity of medical requirements please allow two weeks for processing after your appointment. Once you meet all USCIS requirements you will be notified that your paperwork is complete: one copy in a sealed envelope, one copy for your records. Your completed paperwork may be picked up in person or mailed. Do not open the sealed copy, opened forms will not be accepted by USCIS.

Health insurance does not cover Civil Surgeon services as the I-693 is legally required rather than medically necessary. For specific health concerns you may be referred to an outside provider, for example a chest x-ray following a positive Tuberculosis Skin Test (TST). All referrals related to the immigration exam must be completed prior to completion of the I-693 paperwork and are not included in NFP’s cost.

Call us today at 216-281-0872, ext 214 for pricing based on your individual medical requirements, questions, or to schedule an appointment.

What should you bring to your appointment?

  • Government issued photo ID
  • Proof of any prior vaccinations
  • Insurance card, for record

What services do we provide?

  • Civil Surgeon medical exam
  • Laboratory blood testing
  • Required vaccines
  • I-693 form completion

Schedule New Patient Appointment

Call 216.281.0872 to schedule all other appointments.